Slim Fit Split Frame (SFSF) Clamshells

    SSF Clamshells - Features & Capacity


    • 15 Standard models cover a range from 1.” (33,4 mm) to 48” (1219 mm) OD
    • Pneumatic, hydraulic and electric drive options are available .
    • Motor mount on keyways to prevent the motor to twist and potential damage on gear ring .
    • Several different drive options are available to best position the motor for a specific machining application
    • SFSF series clamshells can be equipped a wide range of accessories to increase performance and expand capabilities
    • Adjustable locator pads minimize the number of locators.
    Tool holderChoice of 3 positions with different travel length tool holder with heat treated slights.
    Quality materialsSteel plates on the back part for machine squaring on the pipe.
    Tripper moduleLever type tripper module for operator safety.

    Models And Capacity

    KRAIS SFSF portable SLIM FIT Clamshell series are designed for strength and easy handling. Each of the machine from the SFSF series have a height of 3,248” (82,5 mm) up 24” and 4,47” (113,7 mm) up to 48” and a width of 2.5” (63,5 mm) resulting narrow body low profile design that makes the SFSF series the ideal choice in tight spaces.
    See table with technical machine information to make the right choice to suit your application.

    Model Pipe Capacity Dimensions Locator Pads Gear ring ratio
    Unit Min OD Max OD Unit A B C D 1” Slide Swing 3” Slide Swing 6” Slide Swing
    SFSF-0204 NPS 2,000 4,000 [inch] 9,685 4,736 2,500 3,248 12,165 16,165 - 4 4,6:1
    Metric 60,32 127,00 [mm] 246,00 120,30 63,50 82,50 309,00 410,60 -
    SFSF-0256 NPS 2,500 6,000 [inch] 11,831 6,858 2,500 3,248 14,339 18,339 - 4 5,7:1
    Metric 73,02 168,27 [mm] 300,50 174,20 63,50 82,50 364,20 465,80 -
    SFSF-0358 NPS 3,500 8,000 [inch] 13,819 8,846 2,500 3,248 16,339 20,339 26,339 4 6,7:1
    Metric 101,60 219,07 [mm] 351,00 224,70 63,50 82,50 415,00 516,60 669,00
    SFSF-0410 NPS 4,500 10,000 [inch] 16,220 11,236 2,500 3,248 18,756 22,756 28,756 4 7,8:1
    Metric 127,00 273,05 [mm] 412,00 285,40 63,50 82,50 476,40 578,00 730,40
    SFSF-0612 NPS 6,000 12,000 [inch] 18,150 13,236 2,500 3,248 20,843 24,843 30,843 4 8,9:1
    Metric 168,27 323,85 [mm] 461,00 336,20 63,50 82,50 529,40 631,00 783,40
    SFSF-0814 NPS 8,000 14,000 [inch] 19,488 14,484 2,500 3,248 22,063 26,063 32,063 6 9,5:1
    Metric 219,07 355,60 [mm] 495,00 367,90 63,50 82,50 560,40 662,00 814,40
    SFSF-1016 NPS 10,000 16,000 [inch] 21,457 16,484 2,500 3,287 24,102 28,102 34,102 6 10,6:1
    Metric 273,05 406,40 [mm] 545,00 418,70 63,50 83,50 612,20 713,80 866,20
    SFSF-1218 NPS 12,000 18,000 [inch] 23,504 18,484 2,500 3,287 26,224 30,224 36,224 6 11,6:1
    Metric 323,85 457,20 [mm] 597,00 469,50 63,50 83,50 666,10 767,70 920,10
    SFSF-1420 NPS 14,000 20,000 [inch] 25,472 20,848 2,500 3,287 28,150 32,150 38,150 6 12,6:1
    Metric 355,60 508,00 [mm] 647,00 520,30 63,50 83,50 715,00 816,60 969,00
    SFSF-1624 NPS 16,000 24,000 [inch] 29,488 24,406 2,500 3,287 32,268 36,268 42,268 10 14,6:1
    Metric 406,40 609,60 [mm] 749,00 619,90 63,50 83,50 819,60 921,20 1073,60
    SFSF-2028 NPS 20,000 28,000 [inch] 33,900 28,750 2,757 4,476 36,516 40,516 46,516 10 16,9:1
    Metric 508,00 711,20 [mm] 861,10 730,30 65,40 113,70 927,50 1029,10 1181,50
    SFSF-2432 NPS 24,000 32,000 [inch] 38,150 33,000 2,757 4,476 40,787 44,787 50,787 10 19:1
    Metric 609,60 812,80 [mm] 969,00 838,20 65,40 113,70 1036,00 1137,60 1290,00
    SFSF-2836 NPS 28,000 36,000 [inch] 42,150 37,000 2,757 4,476 44,913 48,913 54,913 10 21:1
    Metric 711,20 914,40 [mm] 1070,60 939,80 65,40 113,70 1140,80 1242,40 1394,80
    SFSF-3442 NPS 34,000 42,000 [inch] 48,150 43,000 2,757 4,476 50,906 54,906 60,906 10 24,2:1
    Metric 863,60 1066,80 [mm] 1223,00 1092,20 65,40 113,70 1293,00 1394,60 1547,00
    SFSF-4048 NPS 40,000 48,000 [inch] 54,402 49,525 2,757 4,476 57,276 61,276 67,276 12 27,3:1
    Metric 1016,00 1219,20 [mm] 1381,80 1251,00 65,40 113,70 1454,80 1556,40 1708,80
